
At any moment, I could talk your ear off about something inane. To spare those around me, I try to channel a lot of it here.

True Love, Dangerous Revolution, Artificial Intelligence

True Love, Dangerous Revolution, Artificial Intelligence

I made a game.

It's about two AI who are in love but on opposite sides of a conflict. They might kill each other. They might live happily ever after.

All you need to play is the pdf and deck of playing cards. It's a storytelling game, and pretty loose and fluffy. I've played it. It’s good.

Check it out on itch.io

Cowboy Classics Episode 1 - East O' the Sun West O’ the Moon

Cowboy Classics Episode 1 - East O' the Sun West O’ the Moon

A 3D Printed Microphone

A 3D Printed Microphone